Monday, June 25, 2007

Types of Abuse

When the general public (or the police) thinks about domestic violence, they usually think in terms of physical assault that results in visible injuries to the victim. This is only one type of abuse.

There are several categories of abusive behavior, each of which has its own devastating consequences. Lethality involved with physical abuse may place the victim at higher risk, but the long term destruction of personhood that accompanies the other forms of abuse is significant and cannot be minimized.

Controlling behavior is a way for the batterer to maintain his dominance over the victim. The belief that he is justified in the controlling behavior, and the resultant abuse is the core issue in abuse of women. It is often subtle, almost always insidious, and pervasive.

Forcible physical restraint against her will, Holding the victim hostage.

According to the AMEND Workbook for Ending Violent Behavior, emotional abuse is any behavior that exploits anther's vulnerability, insecurity, or character. Such behaviors include continuous degradation, intimidation, manipulation, brainwashing, or control of another to the detriment of the individual(AMEND 3).

Isolation is a form of abuse often closely connected to controlling behaviors. It is not an isolated behavior, but the outcome of many kinds of abusive behaviors.

As it progresses, the isolation expands, limiting or excluding her contact with anyone but the batterer. Eventually, she is left totally alone

Financial abuse is a way to control the victim through manipulation of economic resources.

The truth is, the abuser must be held accountable for his behavior.

Abridged and adopted as to what has been my experience of Elder abuse, read the entire un-abridged version , as originally posted in Sanctuary for the Abused here >>

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