Saturday, January 6, 2007

Elder Abusers Get Away With Murder

Elder Abuse A Single Incident Likely Trigger Serious Illness Even Death

Because older victims usually have fewer support systems and reserves—physical, psychological, and economic—the impact of abuse and neglect is magnified, and a single incident of mistreatment is more likely to trigger a downward spiral leading to loss of independence, a serious complicating illness, and even death. Burgess, A., and N. Hanrahan, Identifying Forensic Markers in Elder Sexual Abuse, final report submitted to the National Institute of Justice, Washington, DC - 2006.

'Until more awareness is created' .. Elder abuse and neglect , the data show science, education, and clinical practice associated with elder abuse and neglect are 30 to 40 years behind those associated with other problems, such as child abuse and domestic violence. NIJ Elder abuse

Catherine C. McNamee is a Social Science Analyst at the National Institute of Justice. Mary B. Murphy is the Managing Editor of the NIJ Journal.

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