Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Mortgage Rescue Scam Brings Death and Destruction to Hawaii

Revised 2/12/08 from 12/6/08

Elder and Elder Financial abusers know no boundaries they have no respect, they have no conscience .......

Kailua,HI,USA By Sam Monet

The elder Kamokus were the victims of an Internet scam that offered to refinance their loan. As a result they paid their money to the scammers and did not get the refinancing. Department of Hawaiian Homelands moved to foreclose. During the process, Mrs. Kamoku's brother "helped" out because the Kamokus could not afford an attorney, and they were denied representation by the Native Hawaiian Legal Corp.

They are simple Hawaiians who did not understand the process and did not want to worry their son at college for fear that he would leave school to come home to help. James did not find out until late December 2007, that the eviction was set for Feb. 1, 2008. The process was so stressful that James’ grandmother died rather than move out. Her funeral was on Feb. 1, her birthday, the date of eviction.

Please read this incredible story of abuse and support the Kamokus, please unite against abuse however,wherever and whenever it occurs.... =>>

Please send an email to the Department of Hawaiian Homelands and their attorneys with your support of the Kamokus and include these addresses:
mailto:kay.ahina@hawaii.gov Laurel Douglass; mailto:douglassl001@hawaii.rr.com ; Mahealani Wendt ; mailto:mawendt@nhlchi.org ; mailto:jnkamoku@wisc.edu ; mailto:sharp_curt@yahoo.co.uk ; mailto:oswalds@oha.org ;
Reach Sam Monet at mailto:monets001@hawaii.rr.com

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