Where is the Money, Mr. J.David Horspool
Janet Phelan
277 Harrison St. #4
Ashland, Oregon 97520
May 4, 2009
Mr. Horspool,
Enclosed please find a bank statement from my mother’s Trust account at Community Bank of Redlands, which has been managed by your client, Melodie Scott. The statement dates back to May of 2004. I am requesting you supply me with documentation as to what the two circled ‘miscellaneous debits’ at the bottom of the page refer to. The amounts are $10,000 and $20,000. I note that you have never declared these as debits to the court.
You will need to fax me the documentation. Please use this fax number-- 416 782 8866. If I do not receive the documentation within twenty four hours I will be publicly declaring this to be theft on the part of your client.
If you wish to call me to discuss this, please be advised that I will tape the call. If Melodie Scott or anyone in her office calls to discuss this, please be advised that I will tape the call. If your attorney calls to discuss this, I will also tape the call.
Janet Phelan
647 240-9369
cc: Melodie Scott
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