Friday, September 3, 2010

Stages of Pro Se Litigation Stress Disorder


Angela V. Woodhull, Ph.D. © 2010, AV Woodhull

1. Shock and Disbelief (The law is good. The law is supposed to be just. How could a judge do such a thing to me?)

2. Vindication and Determination (I’m going to find an attorney who will right this wrong!)

3.Shock and Disbelief (I have such a strong case! I certainly thought an attorney would take such a case on a contingency fee basis since I can’t afford exorbitant legal fees.)

4.Vindication and Self-Determination (I’ll just learn to plead the law myself. It can’t be that difficult.)

5.Ecstasy and Hope (I found relevant case law! All I have to do is write it up and show it to the judge! He’ll see that I’m in the right!)

6.Shock and Disbelief (The judge denied my motion. How can this be? Maybe this judge should be recused.)

7.More Sophisticated Legal Research: Confidence (I’m getting very polished at being a pro se litigant. Maybe I’ll even go to law school. I now understand what I plead incorrectly last time. THIS TIME I’M GOING TO PREVAIL.)

8.Shock and Disbelief. (The judge denied all of my pleadings. The opponents were lying! How can this be!? This judge needs to be recused. I’m going to write a complaint today!)

9.Determination and Courage. (The pro se litigant continues to research the law to the point of isolating himself from friends and familiar activities. Her daily schedule is disrupted and joy in her normal routine is all but erased. However, a feeling that “right” will prevail in the long run and that “God is on my side.”)

10.Shock and Fatigue (The daily visits to the law library have now consumed months and even years of the victim’s life who is attempting to seek justice. Belief that the Court of Appeal will render justice keeps the person hanging on with “fleeting moments of hope.”)

11.Stress Disorder (The Court of Appeal rules in favor of the opponent with little to no explanation provided. The pro se litigant, who has devoted years of his or her life to the “cause” is now mentally and physically fatigued.)

12.Cynicism and Despair. (“The justice system does not work. It is broken. There is nothing I can do to change it.”)

13.Anger and Grief (Analysis of how one wasted years of her life composing court papers while others were out enjoying dancing, sports, gardening, shopping, and socializing.)

14. Restructuring One’s Life. (Rebuilding one’s life after extreme financial and emotional losses. Some lose relationships during the litigation years. Some lose their health. Some stay in the fight for years on end hoping to affect change of the laws. These latter individuals are the rare few who have the stamina and resources to fight the corrupt giants for decades of their life. “Fighting for the cause” becomes their primary objective and way of life.)


Anonymous said...

The Beast System has been in place for MILLENNIA. It has been perfected and honed to a fine edge over that time. That fine edge has chopped up HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people over the course of centuries, who got caught unaware, in its unforgiving path. So unless we know as much or more of the workings of The Beast, then we have NO chance of prevailing against it on its own terms. Which is what we attempt to do by filing lawsuits, in a vain attempt to "use their laws against them". Because in doing so, we "win" only the most egregious and blatant affronts to the sense of justice, as "THEY" can rule any way that "THEY" please, and get away with it.

Our REAL mistake, is to participate in THEIR SYSTEM in the first place. "Working within The System" is a major baiting tactic of The Beast, in order to get us to waste our precious Life Force by pursuing dead ends. Thus we become frustrated and angry at failure after failure, which consequences are EXACTLY what was intended from the start, BY DESIGN. Because our unresolved anger and frustration only works to destroy US, and not THEM.

Therefore we need to pursue a great deal more of KNOWLEDGE. That is our only True Remedy.

Anonymous said...

The Beast System has been in place for MILLENNIA. It has been perfected and honed to a fine edge over that time. That fine edge has chopped up HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people over the course of centuries, who got caught unaware, in its unforgiving path. So unless we know as much or more of the workings of The Beast, then we have NO chance of prevailing against it on its own terms. Which is what we attempt to do by filing lawsuits, in a vain attempt to "use their laws against them". Because in doing so, we "win" only the most egregious and blatant affronts to the sense of justice, as "THEY" can rule any way that "THEY" please, and get away with it.

Our REAL mistake, is to participate in THEIR SYSTEM in the first place. "Working within The System" is a major baiting tactic of The Beast, in order to get us to waste our precious Life Force by pursuing dead ends. Thus we become frustrated and angry at failure after failure, which consequences are EXACTLY what was intended from the start, BY DESIGN. Because our unresolved anger and frustration only works to destroy US, and not THEM.

Therefore we need to pursue a great deal more of KNOWLEDGE. That is our only True Remedy.