Sunday, July 22, 2007

Les Grandes Médiévales d’Andilly

Each Year From May to June the Festival of Andilly transforms the modern world into mediaval times , a time capsule where a magical transformation occurs.

A human adventure out of the ordinary , Andilly Loisirs had for simple objective, with its creation in 1982, to propose small village fêtes and distractions with the inhabitants of the commune.

The first medieval festival launched in 1996 accelerated the rate/rhythm of a human adventure in many exceptional connections and the Medieval theme became “Large”, in terms of human mobilization on all levels, creative capacity, frequentation by the public and notoriety.

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Each day, 12 hours of shows in the forest presented by more than 250 artists and a thousand of observers: equestrian tournaments, erudite combat, raptors, circus, dogs and still grinds… Especially don’t miss the night show.

Visit Geneva4you for exact dates and directions to this amazing event.

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