Sunday, January 16, 2011

War on the Elderly Intensifies : Not Shoveling Snow Could Soon Become a Crime!

By: Freeman Klopott Examiner Staff Writer

District property owners could soon be ticketed for not shoveling snow off the sidewalks around their land. The D.C. Council is considering a bill that would empower the city to write tickets of at least $25 for residential property owners and at least $250 for businesses if they don't clear their sidewalks. They'd have eight hours from the time the snow stops to get the job done.

The city currently requires property owners to shovel within the eight-hour time frame. But if a property owner doesn't act, the city can clear the sidewalk and then sue the property owner for the cost.

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

Note from editor:

This law should prove to be a boom to the new generation of probate attorneys,with an increasing elderly population in addition to jailing 70 year old grandmothers for failing to water her lawn and keep her lawn green we could now initiate Guardianship procedures to remove elderly people who are not able to shovel snow after a big storm, remove them for their home,initiate the sell thereof, and place the elder not capable of such tasks in a nursing home.......and most disturbing who decides when an elder is not capable of maintaining her home? and should the government be involved in such matters?

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