Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Call To Action !

The report to Assemblyman Dave Jones´ office (archived here =>>ElderAbuseHelp.Org and at JanetPhelan.Com) reveals a disturbing level of complicity by the Professional Fiduciaries Bureau with the crimes that the Bureau is pledged to investigate and curtail.

The issues that have been uncovered so far are summarized here:

1) The Bureau has been caught lying to complainants in order to illegally close down complaints.

2) The Bureau has evidenced a brazen disregard for sunshine laws and has been violating the public records act in order to obscure its own functioning.

3) The Bureau, through its attorney, has lied to the press in order to obscure the nature of its activities.

The PFB was set up to protect vulnerable elders in the State of California from unscrupulous and predatory conservators. It is not only failing to do so, but its contempt for the sunshine laws reveals that this Bureau appears to believe itself to be above the law.

I am requesting the recipients of this message to take immediate action and contact Dave Jones´ office and state your concerns in an email to Jones´aide Kayte Fisher. Her email is kayte.fisher@asm.ca.gov.

Thank you. The elderly and disabled of California deserve better. If you have any questions, please contact me at janet_c_phelan@yahoo.com.


Janet Phelan

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