Friday, August 15, 2008

The Domestic Commercialization of Old Age Versus Third World Countries

by Ray Fernandez

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I have lived in third world countries for stretches of up to ten years at a time and have done investigations into this and I found that the elders are revered and have more rights as the age. The Stripping of their rights just because they are old or incapacitated seems to be a relatively new phenomenon that's upsetting families and leaving people with a very bad taste as regards the treatment of our loved ones in times of need.

The commercialization of old age and the surge in popularity of warehouses for the old for profit is not seen in many countries. In the D.R. nursing homes that I've visited are subsidised by the state and are free, elders are not slumped over and drugged, outings are planned every weekend, there is no ban or fear of being photographed and investigation into abuses are rare because nuns of various religious orders volunteer to run these nursing homes.

In our parents' case we've been helped with the oversight of Circuit Judge David Audlin, a judge who studied philosophy and history and he has allowed Clara to remain with her loving family, he has allowed her to travel and most recent in a hearing on August 8, 2008 he has taken steps to restore Clara's civil rights. This means Clara's family will soon be able to use her social security income for that for which it was intended instead of it being used to pay for Guardian fees which in the families opinion are exhorbitant, also means that Clara will be able to make decisions as far as she is able to , travel freely, and have a chance to live out her days with dignity and respect.

Unfortunately many of our dear friends and readers are caught in a web of corruption, oversight for profit, and are denied the most basic of all human rights, *'The Right to Take Care of Your Own' we pray for them whose lives have been made a living hell by this system of Guardians for profit and for the good of our society and the survival of our values we can only hope that the sharing of these experiences will lead to meaningful reform.

It is indeed very sad and speaks poorly for our society when more and more Americans are forced to seek asylum in other countries when the most basic of all human rights , "The Right to Remain Together as Family" is denied.

We can only hope that our efforts will result in meaningful reform of the corruption and commercialization of laws intended for the protection of our most vulnerable segment of our population.

* ref the Carla Rae Sindelar story;

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are 100% behind your cause.