Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Re:Clara G. Fernandez

The author of this superbly accurate article did not mention that on June 17, 2004 her Doctor Nancy Kaplitz wrote "Her General health has been unremarkable last couple of months" as she was enjoying near perfect health, and that after her August abduction on November 17, 2004 after she was left alone in a hotel room, drugged and disoriented in a non handicapped room and that she fell and hit her head in the bathroom, requiring neurosurgery and that as a result she suffered * subsequent falls and injuries as she never recovered from this injury and was never to walk again under her own power as a result of this blatant act of neglect and elder abuse.....

And was more 'unremarkable' is that the perpetrators of this nightmarish scenario were rewarded by being allowed to keep the Real Estate, Bonds, Stock Accounts and Certificates of Deposits that they deeded over to themselves!

And what is really gross about this is that the perpetrators up to now have been granted immunity and the acts of elder abuse and elder financial abuse have been covered over and perhaps they have been allowed to perpetuate their acts of terror on other unsuspecting elders and widowers who also have allegedly signed Quit Claim Deeds to their properties
over to them under questionable circumstances.

*Because older victims usually have fewer support systems and reserves—physical, psychological, and economic—the impact of abuse and neglect is magnified, and a single incident of mistreatment is more likely to trigger a downward spiral leading to loss of independence, a serious complicating illness, and even death. (Burgess and Hanrahan, 2006).

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